Associations .
Whether you are looking to have someone manage your Association, or are an owner with questions, let us help. We take great pride in the long term relationships we have established with our condo clients and will give you the individual and custom attention you deserve.
If you are looking for Association Management here are just some of the services we offer:
- Payment of all bills
- Collection of all dues and special assessments
- Provide Monthly Financial Statements
- Provide competitive bids on services contracts, maintenance and repairs
- Execute at board discretion and direction Common Area Maintenance and Repair
- General and Annual Mailings and Announcements
- Rules enforcement
- Maintain a Cash and Reserve account.
- Monthly Reconciliation of Bank Accounts
- Assist with Budget Preparation and Reserve Study Analysis
- Provide Resale/Escrow Certificates
If you are a current Brockman Client:
Sometimes there is confusion regarding what the Association is responsible for and what you as a Homeowner are responsible for. Put simply, as a Homeowner you are responsible for all things within your unit. To clarify further, you are responsible for anything that serves just your unit. This is called “exclusive use”. A basic example would be a clogged garbage disposal. A less obvious example would be a leaky tub drain. Though the leak may be under the tub or inside the wall where you can’t see it, this drain serves only your tub and therefore would be your responsibility to repair.
The Association is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the common areas. The common areas are the shared amenities within the complex, i.e., items that can be used by any resident. Examples are the pool, landscaping, gates, elevator, etc.
A Homeowners Association is not the same as an apartment complex. Owners are expected to understand that a cost to the Association is ultimately a cost to themselves. When you purchased your unit you essentially purchased a building, or a share of it. For example, though you may live on the ground floor you are still responsible for your share of all elevator or roof costs.
Your Board of Directors does their job on a volunteer basis. It takes up a tremendous amount of time to serve on the Board and yet it is an unpaid position. Brockman Properties is hired to oversee the general operations of the Association, take care of common area maintenance issues, financial aspects, collect dues, and enforce the Rules & Regulations of the complex. Please refrain from contacting the Board members directly. You are encouraged to call Brockman Properties with your concerns, or to attend Homeowners meetings. Tenants must communicate problems and concerns to the owner directly.
The entire complex is your investment. Please help increase your home’s value by keeping patios and balconies free of clutter, by maintaining an exterior appearance that is in style and color, and by being considerate of your fellow neighbors. Please report any broken locks or gates, or non-working lighting, to Brockman immediately.
Your Board of Directors has been provided with an after-hours emergency contact list, but should you see suspicious activity or smell smoke call 911 immediately.
Thank you for letting us serve you!
The Association is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the common areas. The common areas are the shared amenities within the complex, i.e., items that can be used by any resident. Examples are the pool, landscaping, gates, elevator, etc.
A Homeowners Association is not the same as an apartment complex. Owners are expected to understand that a cost to the Association is ultimately a cost to themselves. When you purchased your unit you essentially purchased a building, or a share of it. For example, though you may live on the ground floor you are still responsible for your share of all elevator or roof costs.
Your Board of Directors does their job on a volunteer basis. It takes up a tremendous amount of time to serve on the Board and yet it is an unpaid position. Brockman Properties is hired to oversee the general operations of the Association, take care of common area maintenance issues, financial aspects, collect dues, and enforce the Rules & Regulations of the complex. Please refrain from contacting the Board members directly. You are encouraged to call Brockman Properties with your concerns, or to attend Homeowners meetings. Tenants must communicate problems and concerns to the owner directly.
The entire complex is your investment. Please help increase your home’s value by keeping patios and balconies free of clutter, by maintaining an exterior appearance that is in style and color, and by being considerate of your fellow neighbors. Please report any broken locks or gates, or non-working lighting, to Brockman immediately.
Your Board of Directors has been provided with an after-hours emergency contact list, but should you see suspicious activity or smell smoke call 911 immediately.
Thank you for letting us serve you!
We are always happy to hear from you Get in touch
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